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在橡膠工業中,螺桿擠出機是非常重要的加工設備。螺桿擠出機是隨著其核心部件——擠出螺桿構型的發展而發展的,因此螺桿構型的研究是螺桿擠出機研究的熱點之一。本論文在分析各種螺桿結構特點的基礎上,對螺桿構型進行了理論分析 。分析了各種螺桿構型的擠出機理、主要作用及其優缺點;分析了各種螺桿構型對擠出過程的影響。研究不同構型螺桿的工作原理及對擠出過程的影響,必將有利于螺桿結構設計的進一步優化,和新型螺桿的開發,從而有利于橡膠工業的發展;而且對不同構型螺桿結構特點的研究是橡膠螺桿CAD系統開發的基礎。也是優化橡膠螺桿CAD系統設計功能的基礎。目前橡膠機械CAD 多采用在AutoCAD或者PRO-E上進行一些簡單的二次開發,這種開發是建立在結構化基礎上的,不但重用性非常差無法進行深層次開發,而且還難以滿足復雜系統多元化的需求,難以實現擴展和重用,也難以解決橡膠機械CAD系統設計中跨進程、跨平臺移植和分布式應用等方面的問題。要解決這些問題,系統設計模式的選取和系統的可重用和可擴展性便成為系統設計的關鍵所在。而目前可利用多種設計模式來巧妙地復用軟件對象,從頂層的角度設計軟件的系統結構;基于COM的組件對象模型*可以實現基于二進制可執行代碼級的多種形式的兼容,從而很好地實現重用。基于COM的組件對象模型是實現橡膠CAD系統的一條“可行之路”。本論文在對不同螺桿構型研究的基礎上,根據橡膠擠出機螺桿CAD參數化設計的特點,采用C++面向對象的開發語言,并采用COM組件作為功能單元進行了橡膠擠出機螺桿自動化生成系統結構設計,系統可以方便的實現將來的擴展和代碼重用并用于實現分布式應用,這大大地提高了開發效率。zui后在Visual C++ 6.0開發平臺上,在“可行之路”思想的指導下,完成了基于COM的“橡膠螺桿自動化生成系統”的開發。
The screw extruder plays an important role in rubber industry .The rubber screw extruder develops with the development of the screw configuration . Therefore the research on the screw configurtion is one of hot issues . Many screw configurations were analysized in this paper. The research mainly focused on how the screw configuration functions in the extruding process ; How the screw configuration impacts the extruding process was also analysized in the paper.The reseach on the screw configuration will advance and optimize screw design and it will also contribute to the developing of new type of screws. The reseach on the screw configuration is the base of developing and a CAD system for screw design . It is also the base of optimizing the function of a CAD system for screw design .Presently, the re-development of a CAD system for screw design by AutoCAD or PRO-E is mainly based on the structural program. It cann’t meet diverse requirements of complex systems such as application among different processes, platforms, distributed application and reuse. To solve these problems, it is critical to select the designing pattern of a CAD system and to think about reuse capacity and extended capacity. The Component Object Models (COM) is a feasible plan that developed a CAD system for screw design. According to the characteristic of parameterized screw design, the structure of the CAD system for screw design was designed in the paper. It used Component Object Models (COM) as a unit. This method can greatly improve the efficency of development. The C++ was used as programming language and Visual C++ 6.0 was used as the platform of development for developing the CAD system for screw design. At last, the CAD system for screw design was developed on the basis of the above motheds .The CAD system for screw design was flexible for its extension and code’s reuse .It can also be used for distributed application.
The screw extruder plays an important role in rubber industry .The rubber screw extruder develops with the development of the screw configuration . Therefore the research on the screw configurtion is one of hot issues . Many screw configurations were analysized in this paper. The research mainly focused on how the screw configuration functions in the extruding process ; How the screw configuration impacts the extruding process was also analysized in the paper.The reseach on the screw configuration will advance and optimize screw design and it will also contribute to the developing of new type of screws. The reseach on the screw configuration is the base of developing and a CAD system for screw design . It is also the base of optimizing the function of a CAD system for screw design .Presently, the re-development of a CAD system for screw design by AutoCAD or PRO-E is mainly based on the structural program. It cann’t meet diverse requirements of complex systems such as application among different processes, platforms, distributed application and reuse. To solve these problems, it is critical to select the designing pattern of a CAD system and to think about reuse capacity and extended capacity. The Component Object Models (COM) is a feasible plan that developed a CAD system for screw design. According to the characteristic of parameterized screw design, the structure of the CAD system for screw design was designed in the paper. It used Component Object Models (COM) as a unit. This method can greatly improve the efficency of development. The C++ was used as programming language and Visual C++ 6.0 was used as the platform of development for developing the CAD system for screw design. At last, the CAD system for screw design was developed on the basis of the above motheds .The CAD system for screw design was flexible for its extension and code’s reuse .It can also be used for distributed application.
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