Hyflon® PFA P420
Solvay Solexis, Inc.
Hyflon PFA is a unique family of semi-crystalline, melt processable perfluoropolymers which combine excellent mechanical characteristics to
unique properties such as chemical inertness, heat resistance, inherent flame resistance, low surface energy, and exceptional dielectric properties.
Hyflon PFA resins have been designed to retain their properties over a wide range of temperatures from cryogenic to 250-260°C (482-500°F) and
are the material of choice in applications such as linings in the Chemical Process Industry, specialty cables, semiconductor industry, aerospace,
and other challenging industries.
Hyflon PFA P420 is a low melt flow rate multi-purpose resin designed for pipe, cable and stock shapes extrusion, injection, compression, and
transfer molding. Hyflon PFA P420 has obtained UL758 recognition for continuous use at 260°C (500°F) and is an ASTM D3307 - Type II resin.
材料狀態• 已商用:當前有效
供貨地區• 亞太地區
• 北美洲
• 南美洲
• 歐洲• 非洲和中東
性能特點• 中等分子量
• 半結晶
• 流動性高
• 耐熱性,高• 阻燃性能
用途• 半導體模制化合物
• 電纜護套
• 管道系統
• 航空航天應用• 襯里
機構評級• ASTM D 3307 Type II • UL 758
形式• 顆粒料
加工方法• 壓縮模塑
• 擠出
• 樹脂傳遞成型
• 注射成型
比重2.12 到2.17 g/cm³ ASTM D792
熔流率(372°C/5.0 kg) 1.5 到3.0 g/10 min ASTM D1238
拉伸模量 2 (23°C) 500 到600 MPa ASTM D1708
抗張強度(斷裂, 23°C) > 28.0 MPa ASTM D1708
伸長率(斷裂, 23°C) > 300 % ASTM D1708
Flex Life (300.0 μm) 9.0E+4 到1.2E+5 Cycles ASTM D2176
簡支梁缺口沖擊強度無斷裂 ASTM D256
硬度計硬度 3 (支撐D) 58 ASTM D2240
zui高連續使用溫度260 °C
熔融溫度300 到310 °C ASTM D3307
結晶峰溫(DSC) 275 到285 °C ASTM D3418
線形膨脹系數- 流動0.00016 cm/cm/°C ASTM D696
比熱 4 (23°C) 1000 J/kg/°C DSC
導熱系數(40°C) 0.20 W/m/K ASTM C177
融合熱量25.0 到35.0 J/g DSC
表面電阻率> 1.0E+17 ohms ASTM D257
體積電阻率> 1.0E+17 ohm·cm ASTM D257
介電強度38 kV/mm ASTM D149
介電常數ASTM D150
23°C, 50 Hz 2.10
23°C, 100 kHz 2.10
耗散因數ASTM D150
23°C, 50 Hz 0.00050
23°C, 100 kHz 0.00050
UL 阻燃等級V-0 UL 94
極限氧指數95 % ASTM D2863
: :@139.com
電纜護套PFA 壓縮模塑PFA Hyflon其它產品
電纜護套PFA 壓縮模塑PFA Hyflon
半結晶塑料 耐磨PFA *耐250度
流動性高PFA 阻燃PFA Solvay Sole
Solvay Solexis, Inc 全氟化橡膠
Hyflon PFA P420 中等分子量
抗紫外線pa12 Grilamid LV-5H
GRIVORY 抗撞擊性高PA12 耐化學
EMS GRIVORY 聚酰胺12 Grilam
Grilamid LV-5H Natural
TPV 243-50 注塑TPV 50度塑料