供應礦物PP ISPLEN PM 275 DV 抗紫外線,低收縮
重要參數: 熔體流動速率:15 g/10min 密度:1.04 g/cm3 成型收縮率:1.25 % 缺口沖擊強度:9 彎曲模量:2300 MPa 維卡軟化點:146 ℃ 熱變形溫度:58 ℃
東莞浩榮()塑膠,長期現貨代理供應:polyone 普立萬PP
公 司 宗 旨 —— 做大、做強
公 司 運 作 —— 市場化、專業化、規范化
主營業務:PC PA PC/ABS PBT等工程類塑料;ABS PP PE等通用類塑料;PPA PEEK PEI PA46 PA12 FEP CA等高檔工程塑料;TPO TPV TPE TPUSEBS等彈性體塑料;EPDM 電木粉等熱固性塑料;PLA等降解塑料
經 營 理 念 —— 服務創造價值,誠信面對未來。
Capilene® Plastic Materials Supplied by Carmel Olefins Ltd.
ISPLEN® PM 270 AV | PP Homopolymer | Europe; North America | High Flow; High Stiffness; Low Shrinkage; Low Warpage | Automotive Applications; Automotive Interior Trim;... |
ISPLEN® PM 270 BV | PP Homopolymer | Europe; North America | Heat Stabilized; High Flow; High Stiffness; Low Sh... | Automotive Applications; Automotive Under the Hood... |
ISPLEN® PM 270 XT | PP Homopolymer | Europe; North America | Heat Stabilized; High Flow; High Stiffness; Homopo... | Automotive Applications; Automotive Under the Hood... |
ISPLEN® PM 274 AS | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Good Impact Resistance; Good Processability; Good ... | Automotive Applications; Electrical/Electronic App... |
ISPLEN® PM 274 AT | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Good Impact Resistance; Good Stiffness; Heat Stabi... | Automotive Applications; Automotive Interior Trim;... |
ISPLEN® PM 275 AW | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Good Impact Resistance; Good Stiffness; Low Shrink... | Automotive Applications; Automotive Interior Parts... |
ISPLEN® PM 275 DV | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Good Impact Resistance; Medium Flow; Medium Rigidity | Automotive Applications; Automotive Interior Trim;... |
ISPLEN® PM 276 BV | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Good Mold Release; Good Stiffness; Ultra High Impa... | Automotive Applications; Automotive Interior Trim;... |
ISPLEN® PM 281 AV | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Good Flow; Good Impact Resistance; High Gloss; Hig... | Appliances; Automotive Applications; Automotive In... |
ISPLEN® PM 281 BV | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Good Flow; Good Impact Resistance; High Gloss; Hig... | Appliances; Automotive Applications; Automotive In... |
ISPLEN® PM 281 EV | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Good Flow; Good Impact Resistance; High Gloss; Hig... | Automotive Applications; Automotive Interior Trim;... |
ISPLEN® PM 284 AS | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Good Impact Resistance; Good Processability; Good ... | Appliances; Electrical/Electronic Applications; En... |
ISPLEN® PM 360 AT | PP Homopolymer | Europe; North America | Good Impact Resistance; Good Stiffness; Heat Stabi... | Automotive Applications; Automotive Under the Hood... |
ISPLEN® PM 364 AT | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Good Impact Resistance; Good Stiffness; Heat Stabi... | Automotive Applications; Automotive Interior Trim;... |
ISPLEN® PM 366 AV | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Good Impact Resistance; Good Stiffness; Low Warpage | Automotive Applications; Automotive Exterior Parts... |
ISPLEN® PM 370 AE | PP Homopolymer | Europe; North America | Good Impact Resistance; Good Stiffness; Heat Stabi... | Appliances; Automotive Applications; Automotive Un... |
ISPLEN® PM 440 AT | PP Homopolymer | Europe; North America | Good Chemical Resistance; High Stiffness; Low Shri... | Automotive Applications; Automotive Interior Parts... |
ISPLEN® PM 460 AS | PP Homopolymer | Europe; North America | High Stiffness; Low Shrinkage; Low Warpage; Medium Flow | Engineering Parts |
ISPLEN® PM 470 XT | PP Homopolymer | Europe; North America | Heat Stabilized; High Stiffness; Low Shrinkage; Lo... | Electrical Housing; Engineering Parts; Housings; P... |
ISPLEN® PM 474 AT | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Good Impact Resistance; Good Processability; Heat ... | Automotive Applications; Automotive Interior Parts... |
ISPLEN® PM 490 AT | PP Homopolymer | Europe; North America | Heat Stabilized; High Flow; High Stiffness; Low Sh... | Automotive Applications; Automotive Interior Parts... |
ISPLEN® PM 750 AS | PP Homopolymer | Europe; North America | High Stiffness; Low Flow; Low Shrinkage; Low Warpage | Automotive Applications; Automotive Under the Hood... |
ISPLEN® PM276EV | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Copolymer; Good Stiffness; High Impact Resistance;... | Automotive Applications; Automotive Interior Parts... |
ISPLEN® PM284 AV | PP Copolymer | Europe; North America | Good Impact Resistance; Good Processability; Good ... | Automotive Applications; Automotive Interior Trim;... |
PP(聚丙烯#百折膠|軟膠)/ISPLEN PM 275 DV/西班牙repsol PP聚丙烯用途:
供應防靜電PP ,導電PP ,加纖防火PP ,抗紫外線耐候PP ,食品級PP 導光板POM ,光擴散PP , 透明阻燃PP ,防火PP 透明防火PP ,,遮光級PP ,抗紫外線PP ,耐熱級PP ,特殊級PP ,醫療級PP 復合級PP ,增強防PP ,不含鹵素PP 高流PP 動PP ,光反射級PP ,耐磨PP ,食品級PP
PP(聚丙烯#百折膠|軟膠)/ISPLEN PM 275 DV/西班牙repsol 詳細介紹:
1. 薄膜制品:PP薄膜制品透明有光澤,對水蒸氣和空氣和滲透性小,分為吹膜薄膜、流延薄膜CPP、雙向拉伸薄膜BOPP等。
2. 注塑制品:用于汽車、電氣、機械、儀表、無線電、紡織、國防等工程配件,日用品、周轉箱、醫療器材、建筑材料。擠塑制品:管材、型材、單絲、漁用繩索、打包帶、捆扎繩、編織袋、纖維、復合涂層、片材、板材等、吹塑中空成型制品各種小型容器等。
3. 其他:低發泡、鈣塑板、合成木材、層壓板、合成紙、高發泡可作結構泡沫體
PP(聚丙烯#百折膠|軟膠)/ISPLEN PM 275 DV/西班牙repsol PP 加工工藝:
注射速度:通常,使用高速注塑可以使內部壓力減小到zui小。如果制品表面出現了缺陷,那么應使用較高溫度下的低速注塑。 流道和澆口:對于冷流道,典型的流道直徑范圍是4~7mm。建議使用通體為圓形的注入口和流道。所有類型的澆口都可以使用。典型的澆口直徑范圍是1~1.5mm,但也可以使用小到0.7mm的澆口。 對于邊緣澆口,zui小的澆口深度應為壁厚的一半;zui小的澆口寬度應至少為壁厚的兩倍。PP材料*可以使用熱流道系統。
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