Formolene EP50 T2 X2 PP物理性能:
Polypropylene copolymer talcum filled 10%.Available: all colors, UV stabilized (L), heat stabilized (H), anti-static (W).
聚丙烯(PP)是一個大的分子聚合丙烯,并根據分子結構有三種類型等規PP,間規聚丙烯和無規聚丙烯。其中,等規PP具有商業價值的結構,具有高結晶度,優良的機械/熱性能。 并正在努力加強聚丙烯料業務。因此,“聚丙烯樹脂常用表明等規聚丙烯。聚丙烯樹脂是由*的丙烯單體聚合,并有一個很好的立構規整,具有較高的結晶。因此,它具有優異的剛性和耐熱性。其主要用途是汽車配件和許多商品的應用。
通過這件事,PP Componds大大提高了比普通聚丙烯的屬性。有很多等級,根據目的,如剛性,導電性,耐熱性,光澤度,柔軟性,涂漆性能,阻燃性能。它們被廣泛用于內部和外部材料為汽車,電器零件,等等。PP復合材料是由添加其他化學物質,如無機填料(如*,云母,玻璃纖維),橡膠,以及功能性添加劑,如阻燃劑和成核劑,HOMO,隨機和影響聚合物。
Adhesive performance
If peel strength is a test adhesive performance index of the resin, then adhesive performance evaluation of the composite structure is not limited to the production period, and will spread to the whole life period, and in the product may be met all the environmental conditions. When this, peel strength of adhesion resin can in a particular applications to give reliable instructionsFurther speaking, composite structure post-processing, such as heat sealing, hot forming or stretching also influences to peel strength.
For any adhesion resin performance evaluation should be in the range of application. Adhesion resin is design will usually not the base material of adhesive bonding each other together. In most cases, peel strength is a test of adhesive performance index. Although the test is very easy, but the impact of peel strength is not only the size of the bonding strength, and base material detachment Angle, separating rate, temperature, the extensibility of materials and the modulus, often with adhesive form to test of time between the after.
Product pictures
傳 真:
EnCom PEI 0901
PEI 04001 MB
PEI U2300
PEI U1000
CoorsTek PEI
ColorFast PEI1000
Formolene EP50 T2 PP
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